Django Tutorial from Basic to Advanced

This Django tutorial will learn from Django basic to Django advanced concepts. This Django course 2022 tutorial was created for beginners and advanced users by doing a full-stack Django project. You will learn Django how to do URL model view advanced URL concept. You will also learn in this Django course function-based view and the class-based view. Finally, this Django 2022 tutorial will teach you complete web development in the Python Django framework. 

Below are the topics will cover in this course step by steps.

What topics will cover?
Tutorial Objectives.
Why do you want to use django?
Who is using django?
How to install python? Python Install or not?
Virtual environment
How to install virtual environemnt?
How to activate virtual environment?
How to deactivate virtual environment?
How to install django?
How to start a  new django project?
How to run a  django server?
How to stop a  django server?
Difference between django project and apps?
How to create a app in django?
Explained all the files in the side the apps.
How to configure app with django project?
How to write URL in django?
How to create a model in django?
How to convert a class to table in django?
How to do migrate in django?
How to test database in console for django?

View section
How to retrive or fetch data from the database?
How to render a template in django?
How to connect template with django project?
How to setup static files in django?
How to download bootstrap?
How to tell django that you added bootstrap?
How to do django admin?
How to add super user in django?
How to add a webchat board?
More about URL pattern in django?
How to create Reusable template in django?
How to create a form in django?  
How to use form API in django?
How to do django authentication?
How to do signup URL in django?
How to use git and how to push how to commit to remote repository?
How to add image to the application?
How to use card view using css & bootstrap?
How to do sign out in web application?
How to create dropdown menu in the web application?
How to authenticated a user in the web application?
How to do login URL?
How to add alert in the form in django?
How to do forget password in django web application?
How to setup console based email in django web application?
How to change password in django web application?
How to protect view from unauthorised user in web application in django?
How to reply s post in a web chat board in django?
How to see number of post & number of view & who posted last?
How to do how many view and how many replies in web application?
How to do class based view in django?
How to do UpdateView in django?
How to do pagination in web application in django?
How to do ListView in django?
How to add markdown in django web application?
How to add markdown editor in django web application?
How to add third party package humanize in django web application?
How to add session key to stop count as a view when you refresh the page?
How to protect sensitive information in django web application? 
How to setup database connection in a singe line in django web application?
How to add git ignore file in django web application?
How to protect project dependency in django?
How to see project version dependency in django? 

Mohammed J Alom

Hi, Thank you so much for visiting my blog programming with mohammed. First, a little bit of myself, I graduated from MTU Munster Technological University with BSc (Hons) in Software Development. I am currently pursuing MSc in Artificial Intelligence. I am very interested in programming and love to learn new technologies and help and teach others.

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